Submission guidelines

Authors are advised to carefully follow the instructions below. Papers that do not comply with the guidelines may be excluded from publication.

Title and subtitle (maximum of 150 characters including spaces)

Author/s first name and surname, affiliation (University name), Orcid code

Five keywords, English language, separated with commas

English language, maximum 1500 characters including spaces

Articles must have a minimum extension of 20.000 characters including spaces and a maximum extension of 25.000 (abstract, footnotes and references excluded). All files should be prepared in an appropriate word processing package and saved and sent as .doc, .docx file format (no .pdf).
The paper should be submitted in English language, Times New Roman point 12 black type, not justified.
Do not use any automatic formatting such as ‘styles’, tables or headers/footers nor particular character styles such as bold and underlining, unless the cursive style as indicated in 1.1. Do not use any automatic paragraphing tools and no indenting or numbering.
Do not number the pages of the manuscript.
It is preferred that the document is structured by numbered paragraphs.

1.1. Character style-cursive
The cursive should be used throughout the manuscript for the following:

  • Highlighting a term or expression;
  • The name or title of a specific work or a product;
  • Foreign language terms;
  • Citing the title of a book or journal (including journal names) within the text;
  • Title of exhibitions and events mentioned in the text.

1.2. Exceptions
For documents that for the reason of content require special characters types other than indicated above, the author needs to state and inform the editors of any such requirements at the time of submission.

1.3. Footnotes
Footnotes must be used only when strictly necessary for information that is complementary to the text. Footnotes containing only references are not allowed. These must be listed at the end of the article, in the “References” item.

The references must be listed at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, font 12, and with simple spacing. References must follow the rules below: Quotation mode, referencing and bibliography should follow and be organized according to the latest version of APA Style, which can be consulted under
The APA style foresees footnotes instead of endnotes.
Short quotations (up to 40 words) within the text should be marked by double quotations marks “..”, use […] inside the direct quotation when there is a gap. Longer quotations should follow space and be indented from the text without quotations marks.

2.1. References list
The reference list at the end of the text should report exclusively the titles cited within the paper, it is not considered a generic bibliography.

Please carefully follow APA Style (latest update) formatting:

Abbreviations consisting of initials (such as CEP) should omit the full stops, and include expansion of the abbreviation at the first mention (Calcolatrice Elettronica Pisana (CEP)).
Should the use of abbreviations within the document be extensive, it is advisable to include an abbreviation key at the beginning of the text.
Do not use op.cit.; ibid.; ibidem; id.; idem. Do not use apud. Use the term in rather than apud.

Manuscripts might be accompanied by up to ten images each. Images should be uploaded and sent in separated files (not inserted in the text), in .jpg format and their resolution should not be lower than 300 dpi. The figure legends (captions) are to be added at the end of the entire document and, clearly referring to the individual image should not exceed 24 words per image. If you need to explicitly refer to an image, insert (Fig. 1) within the text.

Authors have to submit a separated text file with:
title of the paper, author/s name and surname, institutional affiliation, Orcid code, e-mail address and a short bio of each author (maximum 1000 characters spaces included).

Paper text file (.doc; .docx); author/s info text file and images folder should be sent by e-mail to: