Diseño activista en España. Una breve historia contemporánea

Abstract The political culture of the majority of the Spanish people during Franco’s era was marked by distrust and indifference. At the end of the 1960’s, however, interest on political matters grew thanks, to a great extent, to an increasing discontent with the regime and greater support for democracy by the people. The change in attitudes… Continua a leggere Diseño activista en España. Una breve historia contemporánea

The other seashore. Migrations to the South of the Mediterranean

Abstract Since the beginning of the French occupation of Algeria, by the middle of the nineteenth century, a large number of people from Spain, Italy and Malta, fleeing from poverty and hunger or as a result of political and social instability, headed the North African country in search of a better life. The melting-pot created… Continua a leggere The other seashore. Migrations to the South of the Mediterranean